The Cardioscope Project - Joint Network for Cardiovascular Disease Management in the Romania-Republic of Moldova cross-border region is funded by the European Union through the Joint Operational Program Romania-Republic of Moldova 2014-2020, through the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI 2SOFT/4.1/80). The project is being carried out by The Order of Nurses, Midwives and Medical Assistants in Romania Iasi Branch (OAMGMAMR) Iași Branch - Project Coordinator in partnership with The Public Medical Sanitary Institution the Ungheni Region Hospital, for a period of 15 months (20.02.2020-19.05.2021). The total budget of the project is 221,862 euros, of which 90% percent of 199,675.8 EURO is provided by the EU through the European Neighborhood Instrument and 10% of 22186.2 euros is its own co-financing.
CARDIOSCOPE aims to make available a set of working tools for medical professionals - Methodology for risk assessment in cardiovascular diseases, Risk map of cardiovascular diseases in Iasi, Romania and Ungheni counties, Republic of Moldova, Model of services in primary care of cardiovascular diseases, Training programs in primary care of cardiovascular diseases for doctors and nurses, Protocols standardized medical devices for the screening, treatment and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases, Guide for the prevention and early detection of cardiovascular diseases, Common Strategy for the Management of Cardiovascular Diseases - to enable the prevention, detection, monitoring and early personalized treatment of cardiovascular disease.
CARDIOSCOPE will implement a Pilot Screening Project for 1000 people and will provide the general public with information on the prevention and pathology of cardiovascular diseases and the most harmful habits and behaviors, and in particular their correlation with the possibility of developing a cardiovascular disease.
The initiative is required given that in Romania, considered as a whole, cardiovascular diseases were responsible for most deaths, with a standardized rate of 951.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in 2014, being two and a half times higher. than the EU average (373.6) and the second largest in the EU after Bulgaria. Also, the main causes of death in the Republic of Moldova are diseases of the circulatory system.
In Europe, cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of mortality in both men and women, causing almost 4.1 million deaths per year, or 46% of all deaths on the continent.


The Order of Nurses, Midwives and Medical Assistants in Romania Iasi Branch (OAMGMAMR) Iași Branch)
Cardioscope is carried out by OAMGMAMR Iași Branch in partnership with the Public Medical Sanitary Institution the Ungheni Region Hospital, starting with February 20, 2020, for a period of 15 months.
The activity of the organization consists in the control and supervision of the professions of nurses, midwives and medical assistants. OAMGMAMR Iași branch organizes professional education events (seminars, workshops, conferences, summer schools, workshops, poster exhibitions, etc.) to encourage the professional exchange of experience and best practices and to increase the professional competence of its members.
OAMGMAMR Romania is the only professional organization that regulates the continuous professional education of nurses of all specialties and midwives.

Public Medical Sanitary Institution the Ungheni Region Hospital
Regional institution acting in the field of health and social policies.
This material was produced with the financial support of the European Union. The content is solely the responsibility of The Order of Nurses, Midwives and Medical Assistants in Romania Iasi Branch / Public Medical Sanitary Institution the Ungheni Region Hospital and cannot be considered, under any circumstances, as reflecting the position of the European Union or the Joint Operational Program Romania - Republic of Moldova 2014-2020.